Monday, June 9, 2014

Dog park

Monster was all kinds of playful today. He got to the park and localized that he wanted to play with pretty much any dog that came by. Then suka came and they played so hard and he had the best day. At one point there were four dogs playing but each dog had just one other dog it wanted to play with. So suka wanted to play with Dallas and gets so jealous when he plays with other dogs but doesn't want to play with her. And Dallas wanted to play with the brown dog and the brown dog wanted to play with the black striped dog. It was pretty humorous to see them all trying to play but being so selective. Monster found another dog owner who was carrying treats and he stuck his nose to their bag hoping to get their attention and look cute enough for a treat haha.
And two coonhounds found a squirrel and we're so excited they stayed by the tree howling for quite some time. Dallas and suka investigated buy got bored and kept walking.

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