Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Dog park cuteness

Dog park was rough today. A lot of German shepherds and a couple Belgian malinois dogs like tikkas breed but bigger. So first day of several dog fights. Dallas wasn't involved in any but wanted to help a few times. Then near the end of our time there a random dog came up and tried to nip his butt in a I want to fight you way and Dallas yelped then turned around and gave the dog fight eyes and took two steps towards him in the I will fight you and win kind of way. The dog sunk down and walked away, then Dallas listened and followed me. I was such a proud doggie mom he stood up for himself and didn't participate in the dog fight. Hahaha sounds so funny but I really was so proud of him my little monster!
He does still hate that dog park and I didn't like it today either. I did find a 1000 acre dog park 20 minutes away online today so we might go visit that place this week.

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