Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Busy day

Charlie was at the vet all day getting fixed. Dallas was so very well behaved today I was pretty sure it was an imposter. Picked Charlie up and found out he has congestion in his lungs among other things AND heartworms! So waiting to hear about treatment and where he will stay. Once his congestion gone he will go to the vet for his first set of heartworm treatments. Not sure yet if he will stay at the vets or just go often to get shots. He will have to be in a crate for 8 weeks while getting injections of arsenal. So he is up against a really rough few months of treatment and recovery. He is Still loopy and sleepy after the vets today and hopefully will feel better tomorrow. No activity for 10 days until he is healed.
Monster was sooo excited to see him surprisingly and then immediately wanted to play with him it was cute and sad all at the same time.
pictures from yesterday:

Leash walk for both dogs since Monster didn't want to listen. They both did well, and Charlie is doing really well on a leash.

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